Thursday, 24 January 2008

In Honour of Australia Day... Damper

Damper is one of those iconic Australian items, a part of our heritage from the days of the swagmen... a culinary tradition, which most of us may have eaten only once or twice. Let's face it - a plain, heavy bread baked in the ashes of a campfire is not something we whip up on a regular basis.

I found this recipe on Wikipedia... doesn't sound particuarly appealing!

1 large cup self-raising flour

generous pinch of salt
1/4 cup water

Add salt to flour.
Add scant 1/4 cup water (more and it will be as tough as an old boot).
Mix and form into a round loaf.
Dig a foot-deep hole near a fire and add 2 shovelsful of hot coals and ash.
Add damper mixture to a greased camp oven (traditonal cast iron round pot with lid).
Cook for maximum of 40 minutes. If undercooked it will be flat and rubbery.
Your first try may be inedible. Keep trying, you'll soon be an expert.

On the other hand, with Australia Day on the 26th January, I am tempted to try my hand at making a damper... however, I think I will be skipping the camp-fire, coals and ashes, and opting for the convenience of the oven. I will also be adding a bit more flavour to this traditional bread. Something like this Cheese and Herb damper from over at

Now this looks pretty good!

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